CJH Team Responsibilities
Travel Team Managers are responsible for communicating all essential information to team families, along with performing a variety of other administrative tasks. An effective manager can ensure that a long season runs smoothly for players, parents & coaches.
Listed below are the team manager duties for the season:
- Obtain a 3-ring binder, that's your “Team Book”
- Add Game sheets & Game Sheet Labels should be kept in the binder and brought to every game.
- You will receive an official USAH roster from Christen Brundige, CJH Registrar, once the season begins.
- At the start of the season, you and your coach should ask for volunteer to be the locker room monitor. CHC requires them to be on the roster.
- For home games, send "Game Conformation Email" to opposing team
- The Board will provide you with an email template.
- Please include the link for the Toscano Rink Rules.
- LINK: https://www.ctjrhuskies.org/about/toscano-rink-rules/13461
- You can access the opposing team's contact info on the CHC Website or the opposing teams website.
- Assign or ask for volunteers to run clock, penalty box, & keep Score for all home games.